NBS’ Samson Kasumba attacked for empty Bible talk and poor economics, starts hot war on Twitter

Naguru based Next Media Services has become a hotbed for online scandal and controversy, with NBS TV being the main hub.

Just a week after Simon Kaggwa Njala broke the internet with a controversial post pertaining to the late Jacob Oulanyah’s final resting place, Samson Kasumba seems to have picked up the baton to inspire more controversy on the internet.

Samson Kasumba was trending at number on Twitter following a tweet he made that resulted into a war between the theological and the economic.

According to Samson, Uganda is one of the top investment destinations in Africa regardless of the political climate.

“If you are a serious investor looking for an African country to invest in come to my home Uganda. Forget this political ‘jazz’ sang by people who have investments and homes here. People of all political persuasion do their business daily. Yes, we do have plenty to improve as well,” he tweeted.

However, Kasumba’s tweet did not sit well with most tweeps with a one Jimmy Kiberu being the most vocal in retaliation. In what looked like a mock cum crash economics tutorial, Kiberu informed Kasumba of the factors that would qualify his tweet as valid.

“Some leading factors that attract FDI in no particular order:1) Size of local market 2) Tax rates 3) Political stability, 4) Wages rates 5) Production costs-utilities, availability Etal), 6) Communication 7) Exchange rates 8) Host country’s policy about foreign investment etc Deduce,” he tweeted.

Kasumba quickly dismissed Kiberu’s economics claiming that his facts were not in Apocalyptic books Revelations and Daniel thus dismissing his facts as uncanonical.

Kiberu was quick to rebuke Kasumba, asking him to differentiate reality from theology, informing the NBS journalist that what he had educated him upon was elementary economics.

“It’s elementary economics brother with practical lived reality. Business is about reality. Can return to theology later,” Kiberu tweeted.

This sparked off a war on Twitter, with many tweeps mocking Kasumba for his poor mastery of economics and for using his theological know-how even where it is non-applicable.

Kasumba’s predicament was further escalated when famed cartoonist Spire published a satirical cartoon about the ongoings.

Kasumba has since gone on to publish a barrage of tweets that all seem to address some sort of transgressions that have been performed against him. From his recent couple of tweets, one might mistake Kasumba for a Jesus-like character as he seems to be battling dilemmas, he is yet to come clean about.

Nevertheless, congratulations to the NBS pressman for trending at number one on Twitter, he posted a screenshot of the facts and he was indeed proud of his doing.

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