Dr. Stella Nyanzi reaches out to 302 students, distributes pads and soap in deep Masaka village

She’s talking and walking the talk! Dr. Stella Nyanzi has kick-started the piloting program for the pads for girls campaign. After appearing on the NBS TV morning breeze show yesterday, the professor and her team hit the road to the rural heart of Masaka District, away from tarmac or piped water where they reached out to 302 students. They taught them about menstrual hygiene and distributed pads to 93 girls.

“We shared refreshments and taught about menstrual health and hygiene to 302 students, out of which 93 female students and four female teachers each received 1 packet of Eco-Pad Reuseable Sanitary Pads containing four pieces, 1 packet of Sweet Day Disposable Sanitary Pads, half a bar of white Mukwano bar-soap, a booklet about menstrual hygiene, and a brief questionnaire”, she posted on her Facebook. 

Participants were required to fill a consent form.

The visit to Masaka was not all about citizen advocacy, the women beaming with big hearts, also enjoyed the sights of the district. They toured a factory that makes re-usable sanitary pads and also crossed the equator.

“This is it, people! #Pads4GirlsUg is leading Uganda’s leaders by showing them how concerned citizens are able to provide essential sanitary pads to our country’s poor and under-privileged girls. Please continue giving towards this cause to sanitize Uganda one pad at a time!” She concluded her statement.

They utilised the trip as a pilot study for the campaign.

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