Fashion: Who killed it at Social Media Awards?

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The 2015 Social Media Awards went down at the Golf Course in Kampala on Saturday night. It was a red carpet affair and Matooke Republic was there with our lens. Who killed it and who didn’t? Check out the pics.

Loud N’City’s Tina Teise Vs Urban TV’s Ellah. You be the judge.
There are like 50 shades of blue … which pair looked more stunning?
Ladies in black. Nancy Kacungira and a friend. Right is Seanice Kacungira or we almost forgot, Seanice Lojede.
The little black dress is every girl’s best friend.
Fashion design Amita Beryl in her own creation. Right is a fashionable couple.
Why were the girls coming in pairs? Where did they leave their guys?

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