Sports NBL FINALS: It’s eight in a row for City Oilers and the eighth title for UCU Lady Canons October 17, 2022
Sports SHOCKING! UCU Canons pull memorable comeback against Oilers to push NBL Final playoffs to the wire January 17, 2020
News LASK WEEK IN REVIEW: People Power to announce new consultation meeting schedules, BoU Human Resource Director interviews son for job at Central Bank, City Oilers a game away from securing seventh title in a row as gown crisis hits MUK January 13, 2020
Sports UCU Canons to battle to keep sight of City Oilers as NBL final play-offs return today January 10, 2020
Sports HISTORY MAKERS: City Oilers equaled Falcons’ championship record as they won their sixth title October 18, 2018
Sports BetWay Power a game away from final spot while Oilers and KIU go level in the semifinal playoffs September 17, 2018
Entertainment Kwiso TV launches to support the next generation of East African filmmakers March 28, 2025