Entertainment Another milestone for Eddy Kenzo, becomes first East African artist to appear on Times Square billboard in New York City September 25, 2020
2021 Elections Bobi Wine is not what he is because he’s a musician, he’s what he is because he’s a lucky man—Tamale Mirundi September 24, 2020
Entertainment 40 never looked so good! A sexy Zari Hassan marks 40 in glamorous photo shoot September 23, 2020
2021 Elections We voted the educated and still didn’t see results—Ykee Benda vows to support Chameleone September 23, 2020
2021 Elections Many are discrediting Chameleone as a political amateur but even Bobi wine is not politically polished — Suudiman September 22, 2020
Gossip P7 dropout Sipapa says he will only support Bobi wine if he promises to appoint him BOU Governor September 16, 2020