Singer Eddy Kenzo, whose real name is Ediriisa Musuuza, was formally introduced by his fiancée, State Minister for Minerals Phiona Nyamutoro, at her parents’ home in Buziga on Saturday.

The Kukyala ceremony, a significant event in Buganda culture, marks the beginning of the marriage process, where a man visits his intended bride’s paternal aunt to introduce himself to her family. Kenzo was accompanied by family members and close friends.

The ceremony has sparked widespread congratulations on social media, with many fans and friends of the couple sharing their well-wishes.
Both Nyamutoro and Kenzo took to their social media platforms to share their excitement about the next steps in their journey together.

Nyamutoro posted, “The best man in the world is my best friend. Nebbi is so ready…”
Kenzo echoed her enthusiasm, saying, “First step done. Nebbi, Masaka, and friends will be coming soon to pick our bride.”
The couple already shares a baby boy, and their fans are eagerly awaiting their upcoming wedding celebrations.