Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has revealed that the government collaborated with business mogul Sudhir Ruperalia to build the convention centre that will host both the NAM and the G77 Summit in the coming days basing on his track record, having delivered the conference centre that hosted the Commonwealth Head software Government Meeting in 2007.
After India’s initial offer to build the Convention Centre for the global Non Alogned Movement (NAM) event fell through due to COVID-19 disruptions, Uganda turned to Sudhir, given his impressive history with high profile CHOGM.

Sudhir started the construction of the 3800-seater Speke Resort Convention Centre in January 2023, and a year later, he has delivered the facility in time for the summits.
The. NAM Summit starts on January 15 and ends on Janaury 20, followed by the G-77 and China summit from January 20 to 23. The two meetings will host over 5,000 delegates, including 70 heads of state and government, from 120 countries.

“Our country is privileged to host these big international summits that will bring together Heads of State and Government, various government delegates and global business representatives, among others,” Nabbanja said during a meeting with media owners and managers.