Martin Musoke alias Artin Pro is a household name when it comes to music production. Artin Pro is a young, vibrant music producer who is the brains behind many smash hits.
The producer, who changed his name from Martin to Artin Pro by dropping the letter “M” said that he joined the music industry in 2015, during his senior six vacation.
When he joined, Artin explained that his goal was to become a singer, not a producer, but he switched because singing was so expensive.
“When I was starting I mainly wanted to be a singer, because, in our family, many of my relatives are singers in church. But singing was too expensive for me. You need to pay studio, video so I decided to first learn production,” Artin said.
Artin revealed that at first I was doing it for fun but then decided to turn it into a career.
“It wasn’t hard for me to learn how to produce music since I had my OB called John Mary, he is a big producer of gospel music.
I went to his studio and asked him for help and he was okay with it and that is how started learning and getting connections so I didn’t start from scratch like other people it was quite easy for me,” he said.
In addition, Artin Pro said that after working and perfecting everything in his OB’s studio, he joined another studio in Makindye called Keiton Studio, where he met Fik Fameica, the singer who helped him become well-known in the game.
According to Artin, the first song which made people believe in his work was “Byenyanya” by Fik Fameica.

Later in 2019, he opened his own studio, Axtra Nation Studio. He first joined Jahlive Studios before doing so.
“I already had clients who believed in my work so they all followed me to my studio,” he said.
It’s in his studio that he produced massive hits like Bango by Rick Man, Kutama and Property by Fik Fameica, Sweet Sensation by Sheebah, and Yaka by Karole Kasiita, among many others.
“Rickman gave me my first iPhone and he was also the first musician to pay me a lot of money for my work,” said Artin.
Axtra Nation has since ventured into videography and photography.
About his future plans, Artin sees himself becoming a good father to a number of children God will bless him with.