What to give your child(ren) for Christmas this year

Shopping for gifts is never an easy task, especially when it involves children. Depending on your child’s age, you may seek their input on some or all of these gift ideas, or you can select them independently. Here are some gift ideas.

A piggy bank: A piggy bank will help the kid learn how to save money. Make it more interesting by customizing it with their favourite cartoon character or better yet, designing it yourself.

Christmas Pets: Pets, most especially dogs, build a child’s esteem and provide companionship. What better way to gift your loved one than gifting them with a pet?

Children’s Bible: The best gift you can ever give your child is teaching them about God. What better way to mould a kid’s character than using God’s Word? Bibles range around Shs10,000-15,000 depending on where buy from.

An inspirational book: Transforming from a child into a teenager is a very challenging stage. Give your child a sense of direction by gifting them with different life-changing books. Some great books include Becoming by Michelle Obama, No Makeup by Hope Babigumira is a must-read for every girl child.

The books can be found at Aristoc at ranging from Shs18,000.

A handwritten Christmas card: It’s the tiny little things that matter. It is exciting to know that your busy parent fixed time to write you a heartfelt letter.

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