Man bags Shs20,000 after riding motorcycle naked

In one of the most discussed financial fantasies, people often contemplate whether they would be willing to walk down a street naked for a sumptuous cash reward.

Amid the ongoing financial crisis, what was once wishful thinking has turned into reality as a man in Luuka district agreed to ride a motorcycle while naked in a Shs20,000 bet/dare.

The man identified as Ivan Bandese, a 30-year-old resident of Nsambya Trading Centre in Ikumbya sub-county in Luuka district, embarked on this unconventional challenge.

Reports indicate that he rode the motorcycle for a distance of 2km, passing by the home of his in-laws from Nsambya Trading Centre to Ikumbya town.

While some residents condemned the direction in which people’s moral fiber is heading, others assert that, for the right price, anyone is willing to do anything in recent times.

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