Gov’t engages Turkey over 87 detained Ugandans

The government of Uganda is engaged in talks with authorities in Turkey to find a mutual solution for the 87 Ugandan citizens who are currently detained by Turkish authorities due to visa overstays.

In a statement released on August 25, by Vincent Waiswa Bagiire, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he said that the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Ugandan Embassy in Turkey, have conducted visits to six detention centres.

The statement confirmed that, following these visits, they verified that a total of 87 Ugandans are being held in Turkish detention centres. Their detainment is attributed to the violation of immigration regulations in Turkey, specifically overstaying their visas.

“The breach of immigration regulations of the Republic of Turkey through visa overstays has led to the detention of these Ugandan citizens,” reads the statement in part.

He further conveyed that discussions and negotiations are actively underway with Turkish authorities to find a resolution that would be agreeable to all parties involved.

The ministry has urged Ugandans to adhere to immigration rules in host countries.

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