Gov’t slashes internet costs by 50% to boost digital inclusivity

The government has announced a 50% reduction in the cost of internet to promote the widespread use of digital services for all citizens.

During a press briefing held at the Uganda Media Centre in Kampala, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, the Minister for ICT and National Guidance, confirmed that the reduced internet tariffs will be in effect starting from August 1, 2023.

Under this new initiative, the cost of internet through the national backbone fibre has been halved, decreasing from $70 per Megabits per second to $35 per Megabits per second on a monthly basis.

Dr. Hatwib Mugasa, the Executive Director of the National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U), expressed that this cost reduction would not only empower citizens with easier access to online services but also lead to substantial savings for the government.

The move is expected to curtail expenditures in the communication budget, while simultaneously fostering the convenient adoption of e-services.

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