Cindy replies Sheebah: My daughter, who is 12 years old, owns an iPhone

Cindy Sanyu and Sheebah Karungi.

Cindy Sanyu has hit back at fellow artist Sheebah Karungi’s recent jibe, asserting that being compared to a Nokia is no insult.

The feud between the self-proclaimed music king and Queen Karma took an interesting turn when Sheebah cryptically referred to herself as the “iPhone” and Cindy as the “Nokia.”

Sheebah’s post came shortly after Cindy announced her ‘comeback concert,’ scheduled for the same day and venue as her Yolo Festival.

During the concert announcement, Cindy didn’t hold back, stating that Sheebah cannot match her musical talent and labelling her a “kid” in the industry.

However, Sheebah’s Monday cryptic post has got Cindy firing. Cindy, in an interview on a local TV, said that the Nokia brand was highly respected back in the day and considered a luxury for the privileged few who could afford it.

She added that iPhones hold no special significance, as even her 12-year-old daughter owns one.

The ongoing feud between the two artists has caught the attention of fans, who are eagerly waiting to see how the situation unfolds.

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