Scammer cons police officers millions by promising them promotions in ranks

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) cyber-crime unit is trying to track down a suspected phone scammer who has been fleecing money from police officers with a promise of getting them promotions to the next rank.

According to police, the scammer referred to himself as ASP Robert on the telephone number 0761987638 and has since collected an unspecified huge sum of money from many officers, promising to help them secure promotion in rank.

Fred Enanga, the police spokesperson said that the suspect claimed to be part of the human resources department at police headquarters in Naguru.

“We want to strongly condemn this act and inform all those who have plans to engage in such an act that it’s illegal,” said Enanga said on Monday.

Enanga also reminded police officers that police ranks are never bought because they are not for sale.

He further said that the cybercrime unit is tracking down the suspect to ascertain how the scammer accessed the personal details and records of the police officers.

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