Public or private proposal? Ugandans respond to viral video of a woman rejecting her boyfriend’s engagement ring

Finding your soul mate and deciding to take your relationship to the next level are two things that many people hope and pray will go their way.

But for this Ugandan man, nothing went his way.

A social media video that is currently going viral demonstrated that it is never too safe to assume that you and your partner are on the same page.

On Valentine’s Day, the unidentified man’s heart was broken when his girlfriend declined his marriage proposal.

In the video reportedly captured at Kisementi, the blindfolded woman was brought into the restaurant space by a friend. The fold was removed, and she seemed happy to see her “boyfriend.”

However, when the man went to his knees, things changed. Despite the “say yes” from the voices in the background, the lady did not seem too pleased about it.

She could be seen struggling to pull her hand away from the man who remained on his knees, quietly pleading with her to accept his ring.

The woman instead walked away leaving the people seated in the room bowing their heads, perhaps, as a reaction to the awkward situation.

Of course, Ugandans on social media have had their say about the incident.

A one Beewool said, “I feel for this guy. However, any man who puts a woman under pressure by proposing in public should be ready to take the L in public as well if she says NO. I’m happy that more & more women are refusing to succumb to the societal pressure of ‘Say Yes.’”

“Y’all don’t learn. that’s why you deserve it,” @Kera_legendary said.

Sentongo Peter reacted, saying, “But this embarrassment. I doubt someone would propose to a stranger 💔😅.”

Newton Allan has a new strategy.

“Every day I get reasons as to why I should propose from my bedroom when that time comes. I can’t bear this pain. No No No No 🚮.”

Similarly, Clints Ayebare has another plan.

“I always say this, and I will say it again, pregnancy is the best marriage proposal,” he said.

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