The National Unity Platform-NUP Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya is being praised on social media for his humanitarian gesture. Over the weekend, Rubongoya did a kind act to homeless man he found sleeping on the streets around Bwaise.
Going by the photos shared on Rubongoya’s official Facebook page, the homeless man only identified as Mawanda is on the path of transformation.

Rubongoya narrated that he met Mawanda while driving to check on his comrade.

“I was driving to Nansana to check on comrade John Bosco Sserunkuuma. I saw a man sleeping in the scorching heat of the sun, almost naked, at a round-about in Bwaise, Northern bypass. I kept asking myself very many questions about this man, and what drew him to this state.

Well, I proceeded to Nansana, but the image of the man bothered my conscience. As we returned from Nansana an hour or two later, the man was still there, still sleeping in the same spot,” Rubongoya said.

He added, “Anyway, we approached him and requested him to come with us, so we could find him some food. He might have some mental illness because he could not speak coherently or answer questions correctly. But he told us his name is Mawanda. So, we went with Mawanda, bought him some clothes, cut off his hair, and eventually had lunch with him. We then dropped him at a hospital, where we left doctors attending to him. We shall continue checking on him, as we pray that God heals him and transforms him into a very useful member of society.