Police help 18-year-old mother who walked over 12 kilometers to deliver a healthy baby girl

The Nagalama Police assisted a woman in giving birth to a healthy, bouncing baby girl in the police clinic.

The pregnant teen mother went to the police to report a case of neglect because the man who was responsible for it had vanished, according to the police.

Nabaweesi Amina, an 18-year-old mother of one child from Katega village in Kabembe areas, walked over 12 kilometers to CPS Nagalama to report her plight.

According to police, she went into labor shortly after arriving and was seen by DPC SP Simon Syamutsangira, Crime Intelligence Officer, and Lab Technician holding onto a patrol car.

“Arrangements were made and the Health center I/c a clinical officer who was inside the clinic made her deliver.

“After attending to her, she was discharged and safely transported by the police team back to her village,” said the police.

“Contributions were made, and a sum of Shs91000 and a variety of clothes were given to her at CPS Nagalama,” the police said in a statement.

Police went on to say that they had established that her parents abandoned her when she became pregnant with her second child without knowing who was responsible and that she was chased from her home.

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