Parliament approves Shs523b loan for country-wide data connectivity

Parliaments has unanimously approved a $140 million (Shs523 billion) loan to finance the Uganda Digital Acceleration Project (UDAP), and ring-fenced it to the implementing agency, National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U).

Speaking in support of the loan, Hon. John Bosco Ikojo, the Chairperson of the Committee on National Economy, said if implemented, the project will go a long way in improving connectivity in the country.

“… [The project] is intended to ensure that high bandwidth data connectivity is available in all major towns of Uganda at a reasonable rate,” he said.

MP Hassan Kirumira (NUP, Katikamu South County) supported the loan but said parliament should ensure NITA-U gets the loan amount in its entirety.

He also asked parliament to nip in the bud efforts of rationalisation of agencies, which would see the Ministry of ICT fold NITA-U and execute its functions.

Shadow Finance Minister, Muwanga Kivumbi (NUP, Butambala County) said the loan should only sail through on condition that ‘this House compel the Government to ensure that NITA-U is the implementing agency.’

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