Cardio versus weight training for weight loss. The answer is finally here

This is an age-old debate that even the seasoned professionals have trouble answering. What’s better for weight loss? Cardio (Cardiovascular Training in full) or Weight Training? Dr. Chiraag Kotecha, the Lead Specialist at Refine Skin & Body Clinic breaks it down for us.

What is Cardiovascular Training?
It entails exercises that involve your whole body at moderate to high intensity for an extended time. Cardiovascular workouts elevate your heart rate. The greater your heartbeat, the more fat you’ll burn.
Common forms of cardio include walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, skipping rope, fitness classes etc. There are also cardio machines like rowers, ellipticals, stair climbers, bikes, treadmills etc.

What is Weight Training?
These are exercises that entail using weights or weight machines, mostly known to build muscle but also shrink fat.
Weight training builds muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat up to three times more. The more muscle you have, the more calories you’re going to burn and your body keeps burning calories for the next 24 to 48 hours as it works to repair stressed muscle tissues.
Question: What’s more effective? Answer: Both!
Fat loss is a result of effort & persistence. The best exercise for fat loss is the one that you are most consistent with. We are all different and what applies best to one person may not apply well to another.

Going for a jog will always feel like a chore if you dislike running while lifting weights will always feel like a nag if it’s not your thing.
Changing your routine also has benefits that go beyond weight. It’s natural to get bored. Breaking monotony with new workouts gives you more zeal and will challenge your body.
Eat Clean. Keep Lean!
Neither Weight Training nor Cardio will give you the desired weight loss if you don’t factor in your diet. Watch what you eat!

That said, if you are looking for a shortcut, Refine Skin & Body Clinic located at Forest Mall, Block B, GF4 has some weight loss solutions;
Medical Weight Loss – A weight loss plan that suits your body type including diet, fitness & other healthy behaviour devised by the Specialist – Dr. Chiraag Kotecha.

Liposuction – Cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat from under the skin.
Skin Tightening – A non-invasive treatment that firms loss skin.
Body Sculpting – A procedure that helps you build muscle mass while burning fat at the same time.
Cryolipolysis – Works by freezing away unwanted fat.

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