I lent a police officer my money, but he’s threatening to take my life instead of paying me- Uncle Mark

Comedian Mark Agaba, commonly known by his stage name Uncle Mark, has revealed that his life is in danger.

In a Twitter post he shared last night, Uncle Mark disclosed that a few months back, he lent a police officer money, but when the agreed time for payment arrived, the officer started ignoring him and even threatened to kill him.

Mark also shared WhatsApp screenshots of the police officer telling him that death is inevitable and that he will die soon.

“So a few months ago, I lent a police officer some money. He sent me his card as collateral, but at the time of payment, he decided to dodge my phone calls. Two months of dodging me, I decided to report to his boss. A few days later, he threatens to take my life,” Uncle Mark shared.

A number of people, including AIGP (rtd) Asan Kasingye, felt touched and asked Mark to be careful, hence advising him to report the matter to the police.

Kasingye explained that threatening violence is a criminal offense and further asked Mark to report the matter.

“This is a serious matter. First, threatening violence is a criminal offense. Report officially to any station. Second, I feel uncomfortable with you holding a police warrant card. Hand it over to PSU. Third, you know this was a personal transaction. Instead, you’ve hurt Uganda Police,” said Kasingye.

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