AGAIN! NBS poaches Andrew Kabuura from NTV

Barely a day after announcing his resignation from NTV Uganda, Andrew Kabuura has been spotted at the premises of NBS TV in Naguru.

Kabuura has been doing a popular sports show on NTV dubbed the NTV Pressbox.

The show’s official page tweeted saying that it was coming to a brief end after four years on air and proceeded to thank all its viewers.

Despite Next Media Services’ yet to issue an official statement in regards to Kabuura’s move, information reaching us indicates that the move is in its final stages.

Next Media CEO Kin Kariisa already dropped a hint about Kabuura’s possible move to his team.

Over the years, NBS has poached from Serena based station.

Kabuura will be joining the growing list of NTV journalists joining NBS. Douglas Lwanga, MC Kats, Raymond Mujuni (who later returned to Serena), Hatmah Nalugwa Ssekaaya, Zahara Toto, and Anatalie Ozzie, among others, already crossed sides.

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