I met Jesus and he taught me English–Pastor Manjeri describes how Jesus looks like

Bethel Healing Ministries senior Pastor Irene Manjeri has revealed that she’s one of the world’s luckiest people who has so far got a chance to meet Jesus.

While speaking in an interview on local television, Manjeri, who has an accent, claimed that she went to heaven and met Jesus, who taught her international languages.

According to Manjeri, she is not a graduate, and before meeting with Jesus, she didn’t know anything about English, but after meeting Jesus in heaven, everything changed.

Manjeri further described the ‘Jesus’ she met, saying he looked like an Arab and an Israelite. She also added that she couldn’t see the whole of him because he was too tall.

“I met a person I had never seen before, as his eyes were shining. He was wearing gold clothes and looked like a person from Israel, but he was too tall and I was not able to look into his eyes. He then touched my tongue and told me that he was going to teach me international languages, and that is the English I speak now, “claimed Manjeri.

This forced social media users to trash her claims and label her another fake pastor.

One social media user said, “This one was supposed to get married to prophet Elvis Mbonye.”

“Life has no balance,” another said.

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