Social entrepreneur Kateera to launch a foundation to give youth chance to thrive

Social entrepreneur Robert Kateera is set to start his Trudeau Youth Council Foundation in Uganda.

The foundation was initially based in Canada and, according to Kateera, the foundation’s purpose will be to provide Ugandans, particularly the youth, with skills that will enable them to be employed or self-employed.

While meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau last week, Katerega said that the organization will also help to reduce the country’s rising unemployment rates.

Robert Kateera is Ugandan-born in Canada, and he is a commercial pilot from British Columbia as well as the representative of the Obama Youth Council East Africa since 2019.

Kateera completed his primary education at Uganda Martyrs Primary School. He later joined Mbarara High from 1999 to 2006 and then Taibah College in Bwebajja for his A’level between 2010 and 2012.

His passion for flight school made him briefly join Kajjansi Flying School before he relocated to Canada in 2015.

In January 2022, he graduated with a commercial pilot’s license from the Canadian Flight Academy in British Columbia.

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