Every girl’s dream is to be able to eat lots of food and still have a slim waist and flat belly. Well, Matooke Republic has compiled a list of foods that help fight belly bloat.
Most of you know avocados are good for the skin but be informed that they also help in fighting belly fat. The fruit contains healthy mono-saturated fats, which help prevent belly bloat and promote weight loss.


Bananas ‘bogoya’ to be specific contain potassium, a mineral that can help limit the amount of belly swelling sodium in the body.

We know you’re surprised that yogurt is on this list but yogurt encourages the growth of good bacteria in your gut, throwing out other bugs that can cause bloating.
Green Tea

Green tea can increase fat burning and boost metabolism.

The citrus family that includes fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes contains vitamin c and is a good source of fiber which aids in weight loss.

Beans help in weight loss. They contain soluble fiber which eliminates inflammation in the digestive system.