The ministry of health is in process of halting admission of new COVID-19 patients at Mulago National Referral Hospital COVID-19 Treatment Unit.
In a letter dated March 19 from the Health Ministry Permanent Secretary Dr Diana Atwine to the Mulago Hospital Executive Director, Atwine says that following the sitting of the Ministry’s Strategic Committee on COVID-19, it recommended that the COVID-19 Unit at the facility with immediate effect halts admission of new COVID-19 patients and only manage those who are remaining until they are discharged or otherwise.
“This resolution is consistent with the decline of new COVID-19 cases as evidenced by epidemiological data over the last three months,” reads the letter in part.

According to the letter, new COVID-19 patients in the Kampala Metropolitan area will be taken to Entebbe Grade B Hospital.
To date, Uganda’s cumulative confirmed cases stand at 40,751, Home based recoveries are 27,820 while the total recoveries are 40,379. Total deaths are 335 while 46,444 persons have been vaccinated against COVID-19.