Ever since the NRM government came in power in 1986, several poverty eradication schemes have been introduced. Some have tried while others have totally failed.
In 2019, government yet again introduced another scheme ‘Emyooga’ with the aim of creating jobs and improving household names across the country. It was entrusted to Minister of Microfinance Hon Haruna Kyeyune Kasolo.
According to the Emyooga Task force who are headed by RDC’s of different cities, the team or groups before receiving the emyooga funding are taken for training on how to manage the funds and also generate more income from the funding.
The groups that organized themselves and formed a Sacco received different amounts of funding from the Government through Hon Kasolo and since then, the progress and success of the groups has been monitored. From December last year, a group that had received different amounts of funding have already showed the progress and it is a success in less than five months and among these groups are;
Mbarara City’s North Produce Sacco
The group of 10 produce dealers received Shs30M from the Emyooga money and currently during the monitoring process that took place, it showed that the team has invested the money well and it has generated profits of 8M making them be in possession of 38M and it is said that they are working hard to double the 30M initial funding that they received.
Mbarara City South Women Entreprenuership SACCO
The 202 Women group SACCO in Mbarara City in December last year received shs30M from Minister Haruna Kasolo and it has been put in use. According to the SACCO chairperson Mrs Tumuhimbise, they mastered a good savings culture and from the 30M they received, they have managed to raise it to Shs40M which means they made a profit of Shs10M.
Kasanda North Journalists SACCO
The SACCO that was formed by the Ugandan Journalists based in Kasanda District received the Emyooga funding and invested in a piggery project. From the project, the Journalists have managed to save up to 8M from the project they started in December.
Serere Pingire SACCO
The SACCO group based in Teso Region located in the Eastern part of Uganda received the Emyooga money from the Minister of Microfinance and managed to make 15M out of it in less than 5 months.
Serere Tailors Sacco
According to the team that monitors the progress of those benefitting from the emyooga funding, the Serere group of Tailors also exhibited a brilliant saving culture and managed to save Shs7M