State Minister for Economic Monitoring Kasirivu-Atwooki Kyamanywa has survived assassination attempt by yet to be identified assailants
Minister Kasirivu says he was attacked by two masked up gunmen shooting from either sides a few minutes past midnight at Kakora village, Nyalweyo town council in Kakumiro District, a few kilometers away from his home while driving in his car from a radio campaign show Emambya FM in Kakumiro Town. His car was shot at but no occupant was injured.

“They almost finished our lives. As we were approaching my home at a swampy place, unknown people who were armed with guns opened fire on us. As gunfire raged, I told the driver to speed off and that is how we escaped unhurt. I don’t know who was behind this attack but I have informed the police. It was a miracle for me to survive,” he said.

Police is yet to come out with a statement about the incident.
Kasirivu has served as a Kibaale District Veterinary Officer from 1992 until 1996. He then joined parliament in 1996, and has been a member for Bugangaizi West since. From 2006 until 2009, he served as State Minister for Lands and as Senior Presidential Adviser on Land Matters from 2009 until 2011. On June 6 2016, he was appointed State Minister for Economic Monitoring, replacing Henry Banyenzaki, who was dropped from the cabinet.