Speke Apartments has written to the United States Embassy in Kampala notifying it about the proliferation of counterfeit US currency masterminded by a one Sheila Nandege commonly known as Don Zella.
In letter penned by Ruparelia Group Head of Security Ahmed Bongo, Speke Apartmenrs informed the embassy of a recent matter reported at Jinja Road police station where socialite Don Zella who has been residing at the apartments during the festive season reported a break in into her room and she allegedly lost up to $90,000.
Police swung into action and with the help of Speke Apartments that volunteered CCTV footage, the suspect was idenfied and arrested.

Kampala Metropolitan Police Deputy PRO Luke Oweyesigyire said the suspect a one Jeremy Adome was found on possession of counterfeit dollars amounting to $80,000 that he admitted were got from Don Zella’s room.
CCTV footage also showed that Don Zella was known to the suspect, which indicated connivance to defraud Speke Apartments by suing for damages.
With this coming to light, Don Zella was losing interest in the case, but Speke Apartments has followed up the matter with the US embassy.
“As you will see on your own investigations, she did not seem eager to follow up with police on this matter and never asked on the state of the said American currency,” Bongo wrote.

Bongo adds that on top of $80,000 counterfeight US currency, the suspect was also found in possession of fake European Union currencies.
“The exhibits are still at Jinja Road police and Sheilla Nandege is still at large with indications that she is likely to leave the country soon. It appears evident that there is an international racket inclusive of the arrested suspect and the said Don Zella dealing in counterfeit USD and EU currencies,” he said.
Ruparelia Group wants the American Embassy to interest itself in the prospect of the international racket dealing in counterfeit currencies and thus pursue the matter to its logical conclusion.
The European Union and the Financial Intelligence Authority have also been notified.
Bongo also enclosed footage showing the suspect fratenising with Don Zella and her sister at material time in which the crime was allegedly committed.

According to CCTV footage recovered from the apartment on December 24th 2020 , the suspect, who was residing in the building, is seen accessing room 107 (Don Zella’s room, with another person yet to be arrested.
They are later seen leaving with items. The suspect later fled to his home town in Arua.
The police used all relevant information available and was able to trace him to his home.
He confessed that the counterweight money is what he picked from Don Zella’s room.