Gov’t gives amnesty for civilians to surrender illegal guns

As Uganda intensifies its fight against armed violence in the country, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has announced an amnesty for people in possession of illegal firearms and small weapons.

The African Union’s (AU) Initiative to ‘’ Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2030 was launched on November 24 by Minister of Internal Affairs Maj. General Kahinda Otafire.

The African Union Initiative is in accordance with the AU Assembly Decision that provides for voluntary surrender by civilians of weapons in their illegal possession on the condition of anonymity and immunity from prosecution.

The Aim of the Amnesty Project is to promote and fight against the illicit flow of Small Arms and Light Weapons and contribute to the AUs Initiative to ‘’ Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2030’’.

The project is intended to improve public safety by reducing the number of illegally owned firearms in the hands of Ugandan communities.

Otafire urged the population to embrace the project and called upon all segments of the community to participate in the awareness campaign and encourage those with illegal firearms to surrender them to the state.

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