How to cope with holiday blues

From the Covid 19 pandemic that claimed lives and continues to pose a threat to the mentally challenging lockdown, the past two years have been emotionally draining for everyone across the globe.

As we draw closer to the festive season, what is meant to be a jolly season might instead turn out to be a reminder to many who lost their loved ones in the past year, stress from unrealistic expectations, family conflicts, financial worries, or the fear of being alone.

Below are some tips on how to cope with holiday blues 

Be realistic with your expectations; the more realistic you’re with your expectations of yourself, the less stress you will experience. 

Reward yourself; Get into a habit of rewarding yourself each time you accomplish a set goal. And endeavour to do things that make you feel good.

Be mindful of what you pay attention to. Keep in mind that positive thoughts help you feel good while negative thoughts can make you feel upset. Watch comedy/sitcoms or listen to good music in case you find yourself sad and alone.

 Recognize that you deserve to be happy and find healthy ways of making yourself happy. Be your own best friend.

Use the holiday to make peace with yourself, mend the broken bridges, let go of old issues and resentments that you have been dragging around with you. Forgive yourself and those who wronged you.

Celebrate your loved ones even when they are not around. Keep the family traditions going and draw comfort in knowing that they are in a better place. 

Remind yourself of all the good things that have happened to you throughout the year. Then focus on those good things. You can even write them down and pin them in your room so that there are the first things you read when you wake up in the morning.

Keep the Christmas spirit alive. 

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