HEALTH: Why you should eat dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants and minerals, and it generally contains less sugar than milk chocolate. Research suggests that dark chocolate may help lower the risk of heart diseases, reduce inflammation and insulin resistance, and improve brain function. Dark chocolate is derived from Theobroma cacao, aka, the cacao tree.

Below are some reasons why you should enjoy this bittersweet treat

Improves brain function

Frequent consumption of chocolate improves one’s memory. If you have trouble concentrating, eat dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, decrease inflammation and provide minerals that help ward off conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases

Lowers blood pressure

The flavonoids in dark chocolate help in maintaining heart health, these chemicals produce nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to relax and blood pressure to lower

Reduce the risk of getting cancer

Dark chocolate contains phytonutrients called flavonoids, which are plant chemicals that act as antioxidants and may play a role in cancer prevention,

May reduce risk of stroke
Once you chew dark chocolate, “good” microbes in your gut feast on it, fermenting it into compounds that counter inflammation. This is good for your heart, according to research. Antioxidants, as well as fibre present in cocoa powder, aren’t fully digested until they reach the colon where compounds are absorbed into the body, lessening inflammation and reducing the long-term risk of stroke.

Increases sexual desire

Chocolate ignites latent passion. It has for long been used as an aphrodisiac due to the compounds it contains that sends a feel-good message to the brain. Dark chocolate helps one de-stress, relax and produce higher levels of energy.

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