Cindy launches wedding meetings

Uganda Musicians Association (UMA) President and dancehall star Cinderella Sanyu alias Cindy is taking Azawi’s My year song very serious. From her Kukyala, pregnancy to now wedding meetings, 2021 is indeed Cindy’s year.

Not even Cindy’s baby bump is going to stop her from taking her wedding vows with her longtime lover Prynce Joel Okuyo as the two are set to walk down the aisle in December and wedding meetings are being launched today.

The weddings meetings will be attended by a few close friends and family.
“You are cordially invited to the wedding launch party of Prynce and Cinderella on Sunday 10th October at Buziga Providence road at 2PM,” states the card.

In May 2021, Prynce officially visited Cindy’s family in Munyonyo in a traditional ceremony known as kukyala.
In a recent interview with a local TV, Cindy revealed that she’s starting up a bridal clothing line called Cinderella brides. She also said that she was inspired by her wedding.

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