Prophet Mbonye: I was a hip hop dancer before I had an encounter with Jesus Christ

You are not alone if you started with a strange or terrible job before moving on to something bigger and better.

Prophet Elvis Mbonye, the lead prophet and founder of Zoe Fellowship Ministries has revealed that he started out as a hip hop dancer.

Speaking during an interview with NTV Kenya, the flamboyant and soft-spoken prophet bragged how he had excellent dance moves.

Prophet Mbonye however claimed that his encounter with Jesus Christ changed everything in his life.

He narrated his first-ever prophetic experience saying; “One day I was going out with a girl. When we met, I looked at her and told her ‘that guy has written you a letter’, she was shocked. I supernaturally read through the letter from top to bottom.”

He added, “She was so scared by how I got to know these details without revealing them.”

Prophet Mbonye said that he wanted to run far away from his Prophetic call as it brought scary supernatural experiences.

“When you come to know the Lord and you give your life to him, the eternal life quickens you,your life is channeled towards Him,” he said.

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