IGP Ochola misses Gen Lokech’s requiem mass due to health complications

Following his sudden death on Saturday, August 21, the body of the deceased Deputy Inspector General of Police Maj Gen Paul Lokech was yesterday returned at his home in Kira for requiem mass and public viewing.

Various government, opposition army and police officials attended the mass in which they eulogized the late Gen Lokech.

Among the notable officials that missed the mass is the IGP Martin Okoth Ochola. Police spokeperson Fred Enanga explained his abstence saying he has health complications.

According to Enanga, Ochola’s blood pressure ‘shot up’ when he received the shocking news of Lokech’s death.

The Gen succumbed to a blod clot and burial is set for Friday in Pader district.

During the mass, Gen Lokech’s family asked Ugandans to forgive him for the ‘mistakes’ he might have committed during his security career.

They described him as a good hardworking man who was very ambitious. His body will today be airlifted to Pader district ahead of his burial tomorrow.

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