Frontline health workers decry a 30% PAYE tax on their already delayed allowances

The parliament’s COVID-19 Taskforce in charge of the central region has today visited Namboole Isolation center and they expressed disappointment after medical staff revealed to them that they being taxed on the hardship allowances meant for front line medical workers.

Parliament’s Covid-19 taskforce was paying a courtesy visit to Namboole Covid-19 isolation center to establish the preparedness of the facility to manage the second wave of Covid-19.

MPs were informed that front liners at Namboole are yet to receive their risk allowances since they resumed treatment in May but to make matters worse, health workers are concerned that their allowances are being subjected to 30% taxation pay as you earn tax.

Legislators questioned how hardship allowances which are delivered on mobile money can be subjected to pay as you.

“First of all these people are sacrificing their lives by treating Covid19 patient, sincerely why tax their hardship allowances which even takes long to come. We are going to question it at the highest level and we are not going to allow this” Hon Ssewungu Gonzaga said.

MPs were also informed that the number of Covid-19 patients have drastically reduced at Namboole isolation center which has been attributed to the Covid-19 lockdown.

Dr Ivan Kisuule, the in charge of Namboole treatment center says the lockdown has helped much to reduce Covid-19 patients with numbers admitted daily dropping from 20 patients to five patients.

“This facility which used to admit 20 patients on a daily basis at the peak of the second wave and now admits only five patients which has given relief to the front liners,” Dr Kisuule said.

He further informed the taskforce that the facility has over 1200 beds and is currently admitting only 40 moderate and severe patients. He also highlighted that since Namboole was reopened on 28th may to resume Covid treatment only 20 patients have died from the facility.

However MPs were impressed with facilities and services at Namboole and asked the ministry of health to establish HDU and ICU facilities to beef up treatment.

Unlike other Covid-19 treatment centers with oxygen shortage Namboole is fully equipped with 200 oxygen cylinders.

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