COVID-19: Police to handle ‘minor crimes’ online

The stay-at-home restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19 is indeed leading to unparalleled sudden change in daily life.

Police has introduced an online app ‘UPF MOBI APP’ where the public will be reporting criminal incidents especially those that are minor.  According to Police, the move is intended to limit physical interactions with the public and also boost their response, assessments and evaluation of service delivery as they will be getting timely feedbacks.

 “We are limiting our policing efforts to violent or serious crimes. All minor incidents shall be handled via phone calls or online as, opposed to physical arrests and detention.

Online reporting of cases can be done via the UPF MOBI APP that is easily downloaded from Google Play Store. We encourage the public to report acts of non-compliance on contact number 0800300100, 0713250391, 0714012734,” says Police in a statement.

However, police did not list cases that are regarded as minor but to our common knowledge these include; pickpocketing, snatch-and-grab, lost and found, missing person and nonviolent family issues among others.

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