COVIDEX, a local herbal “cure” for COVID-19 not yet approved, says NDA

In the last days there has been excitement about COVIDEX, a herbal remedy from PHARMBIOTRAC that is associated with Mbarara University Prof. Patrick Ogwang, a prolific scientist, leading the Pharm-Bio Technology &Traditional Medicine Centre at MUST.

According to Prof Ogwang, the herbal remedy cures COVID-19 by killing the virus in the nasopharynx, mouth and oesophagus.
With Ugandans desperate to prevent themselves from the virus, Covidex has been on a roll out all over urban areas as its factory price is just Shs3000 a unit pack. Dose for 7 days is Shs21000 factory price.

Such developments have prompted the National Drug Authority (NDA) to immediately come out and address the matter at hand.
NDA has this morning disclosed that it has not undertaken any assessment or approved Covidex, neither has it received any application from the innovator of the Covidex as required by National Drug Policy and Act cap 206.

It has urged the public not to use the drug until all necessary processes are conducted to commend its usage. Similarly it called upon the innovator of COVIDEX to seek guidance from NDA as they are willing to support such local projects.

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