How Sebamba is making a fortune from Tiktok

Micheal Sebamba known by his Tiktok account name as Mikeyseems2funny has made a comfortable life thanks to Tiktok. The app that was embraced by Ugandans in the last two years has become popular in Uganda and 5 months down the road, Sebamba is already making good money out of it.

Mikeyseems2funny who is also an LED screens operator at Fenon Events, one of the leading events companies in Uganda confirms he is making good money from Tiktok. Whereas other users are just following content that is posted by others and others just posting content without direction, Sebamba says he gives it time as an online content creator who then shoots quality comedy clean content and uploads.

The content has garnered him a huge number of online followers and physical fans who call him and appreciate with a small token. Tiktok, according to Sebamba doesn’t pay directly but endorsements that come from corporate clients are what pays. According to Sebamba, many companies have signed with him and others are yet to sign up with him to endorse their brands while recording his content.

He confirms that endorsements range from about Shs2.5M and above and for the fans, they can send to his phone as much as Shs500,000 for appreciation.

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