Here is Uganda’s first diesel bus with an in-built toilet, refrigerator and cameras

Local vehicle design and manufacturing company Kiira Motors yesterday unveiled Uganda’s first diesel bus, the “Kayoola Diesel Bus” UBJ 720 J assembled at Luwero Industries by Kiira Motors and UPDF engineers.

The bus is another concept of an executive and luxurious coach bus that the designers claim will revolutionize public transport in Uganda.

Designed to run on a diesel engine, the Kayoola Coach (KDC) has an in-built toilet refrigerator and cameras for safety of the passengers.

Last year, Kiira Motors launched the Kayoola Solar bus that relies on lithium-ion batteries to power an electric motor that is coupled to a 2-speed pneumatic shift transmission.

The technology serves to conserve the environment and public health. The Kayoola Solar Bus is easier to maintain, in terms of not having to change oil as is done in the diesel-powered buses and not having to repair hydraulic lines that run through a conventional bus.

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