Self-described “King of Mwoyo”, Maurice Kirya put on a breathtaking show at the much-anticipated first-of-2020 Live at Fezah. The musical event took place on Saturday night at the Design Hub, Bugolobi.
Kirya took his fans on a heartwarming journey through his new 11-track album “Beyond Myself”. The performance left many in the audience in utter delight over his alluring voice, stage presence and enchanting lyrics.

From his old hits Boda Boda, Busaabala to his new songs like To love you, So cold, Remember me, Kulunaku olwo, Munonde, Slow down, Maurice sung to the souls of the listeners as he explained to them the inspiration and meanings behind them.

“These songs mean a lot to me because they come from a place of hard work, reflection and passion. Kampala has always been a reason for the inspiration and that is one of the reasons I enjoyed working on this album,” he said.

Johnnie Walker Highball-sponsored Live at Fezah features live performances by musicians and consists of 10 shows in a year. These run from February to November. This season promises to be bigger, better and more diverse. There will be a Tribute Special with two evenings dedicated to remembering the great legends in addition to featuring some great talent from Kenya.

“Maurice Kirya has played a big role in developing Ugandan urban-contemporary music. He resonates with what Johnnie Walker stands for; an icon of progress. Tonight, he showed us exactly that,” said Roger Agamba, UBL’s International Spirits Brand Manager.
The evening came to an exciting close with Maurice Kirya signing out with his hit song Mulembe gwa Kirya. This had the crowd in a hyped-up mood cheering him on till his performance reached its climax.