Rukutana’s case will be solved in Rwakitura, not court- Ssemujju Nganda

Following some cases of election violence that manifested in the ruling party National Resistance Movement (NRM) primaries, cases of death were registered in some areas, other people were injured while the State Minister for Labour Mwesigye Rukutana was among the people that were arrested for maliciously damaging a vehicle and allegedly shooting one of his opponent’s supporter.

While appearing on a talk show today, the Forum for Democratic Party (FDC) spokesperson Hon. Ssemujju Nganda said that Rukutana had to be sacrificed to cover up the damage caused by the election.

“Looking at the violence that occurred during the NRM primaries Rukutana had to be a sacrifice,” Said Ssemujju

Ssemujju said that the party chairman Yoweri Museveni has lost control of the NRM train. He also said that decisions are taken from elsewhere and court only ratifies.

“We all know even though Rukutana is in jail his matter will not be solved in court it will be solved elsewhere like Rwakitura,” said Semujju

Rukutana was arrested following a viral video clip of him seizing a gun to shoot at people making rounds in the social media.

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