Pastor Ssempa on why he doesn’t use condoms, “They remove about 80% of the natural taste of sex; let’s enjoy sex as God intended it”

Twitter is one social media platform where tweeps come up with all sorts of topics to debate about . The trending topic on twitter right now is whether married couples should also use condoms?

The topic has been labelled #Safemangweno which translates as #SafeSex. As expected several tweeps have given varying submissions.

Pastor Martin Ssempa of Makerere Community Church and former member of the Pornography Control Committee has also had his say on the topic.

According to Ssempa, sex with a condom is like eating the best food with your sense of taste robbed by COVID-19 infection. He admitted that he doesn’t use condoms in his marriage as he claimed they failed miserably in birth control.

“They remove about 80% the natural taste of sex.  They remove sex from the free spirit spontaneous combustion. Condoms deter the exchange of happy hormones. Let’s enjoy sex as God intended it,” says Ssempa.

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