If none of your followers has called in this COVID-19 situation to offer you Shs4m, just know your flock is full of poor people – Pastor Mondo Mugisha to pastors

Pastor Franklin Mondo Mugisha.

As social media is still abuzz with a trending video of Pastor Franklin Mondo Mugisha of Empowerment Christian Centre Church International dissing and bashing all those that ‘waste’ their time in gyms working out, he has this morning turned his ‘holy’ guns to fellow pastors who have failed to inspire their congregation to create jobs.

Speaking during an interview on Sanyuka TV, Pastor Mondo said COVID-19 has brought a series of lessons and among them is that ‘men of God’ have been put to a test. Mondo said he is against all pastors who have been making their followers pay in exchange for ‘blessings.’

“If you are a pastor and none of your followers has called in this COVID-19 situation to offer you Shs4 million, just know your flock is full of poor people,” Mondo said.

He explained that poor flocks exist because pastors have not done enough to nurture and encourage their people to become better in the job market.

“We have to inspire young people to create jobs,” Mondo said.

Pastors aside, Mondo also advised rich successful individuals to pass on their business and risk-managing skills to their children who will step into their feet when they are gone, because “success without a successor is dead.”

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