Stay calm, if you develop COVID19-like symptoms, do not crowd health facilities, isolate yourself and call Ministry of Health – Minister Aceng

Minister of Health Dr Jane Ruth Aceng.

Late last night, the Ministry of Health announced confirmation of the first Coronavirus case in Uganda. The case is a 36-year-old Ugandan male who travelled to Dubai on March 17, 2020, and flew back in on Ethiopian airlines on Saturday morning.

The case presented coronavirus symptoms like fever on arrival at Entebbe International Airport, and he was immediately isolated after testing positive to the virus.

Today, the Ministry of Health Dr Jane Ruth Aceng has urged the general public to stay calm and vigilant in this situation, and if they develop any symptoms of the virus, they should stay isolated in a room and call the Ministry of Health.

“Dear all, it is important for all of us to remain calm and vigilant. If you develop COVID19-like symptoms, please do not crowd the health facilities. Isolate yourself in a room and call Ministry of Health on 0800-100-066 or 0800-203-033 toll free and a health team will be sent to you,” Dr Aceng tweeted. The team will reach you wherever you are in the country.

Just to remind you, the coronavirus symptoms are; fever, running nose, sore throat, dry cough, difficulty breathing and tiredness. It is vital for everyone to follow the directions of the Ministry of Health during this time, while observing basic hygiene practices like washing hands with soap regularly for about 20 seconds or using alcohol-based sanitizers, not spitting everywhere, coughing in an elbow or handkerchief, avoiding handshakes and hugging, as well as social distancing. We can beat this, we can do this guys.

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