Get that natural glowing healthy skin by following this skincare routine from Dr Kotecha at Avane Cosmetic Clinique & Medispa

Today, what you look like says a lot about you and in most cases we are directly responsible for our skin problems. Therefore, it is one’s personal responsibility to cater for the wellbeing of his skin. In the following article Dr. Chirag Kotecha- a medical doctor with advanced experience in aesthetics and cosmetics who happens to be a lead specialist at Avane Cosmetic Clinique and medi spa.

Stress management

According to Dr. Kotecha, the mind and the skin are inextricably interlinked as the latter responds to the former. As state of being tense leads to the body releasing a stress hormone cortisol, which increases the skin’s oil production which leads to a breakout of pimples.

It also decreases the body’s ability to fight off acne causing bacteria. While it may not be in one’s control to fight their stress levels, it is key to manage them in order to have better skin.

Protection from UV exposure

Limited exposure to the sun is good for the skin as it exposes you to vitamin D. However with time, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays damage the fiber of the skin called elastin. When such fiber breaks down, the skin starts to sag, stretch and lose its ability to go back in place after stretching. It also increases the risk of skin cancer.

While one might not completely avoid the sunlight, they can use sunscreen daily (SPF 30 or stronger for those of us next to the Equator). Sunscreen ought to be applied every two hours for proper effect.

The market has previously been saturated with ineffective and fake sunscreen. However, medically tested sunscreen that is tested can be accessed from Avane Cosmetic & Medispa.

Stop smoking

Besides being bad for the lungs, smoking depletes the skin of key nutrients and enough oxygen. It accelerates the development of wrinkles thus making our skin look older and reduces elasticity.

Hydrate and eat well

If you are not drinking eight glasses of water a day, you are not drinking enough. Water enables the digestive system flush out toxins from the body and improves skin complexion for a healthy and glowing skin.

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins will have your skin looking its best. Nuts and fish are good for cleaning out bad body oils. Don’t forget to stay away from sodas.

Have enough sleep

Just like certain areas of our brains work the hardest during sleep, the skin is best able to regenerate itself at night. In short, quality and quantity of sleep is crucial to both skin health and overall health. Between 6-8 hours of sleep is recommended.

Do not forget to keep your pillows and sheets clean to avoid a buildup of oils and grease that can irritate the skin.

Exercise regularly

Exercising increases the blood circulation throughout the body thus leading to oxygen and nutrients being carried to skin cells. After exercise, ensure to wash properly so that sweat does not sit on the skin.

Clean, moisturize, exfoliate and get a facial regularly

Cleaning enables one get rid of dirt and bacteria that lead to break outs. While washing the skin, endeavor to be gentle in order not to aggravate or damage it. Strong soaps should as well be avoided in order not to harass the skin.

Moisturizing is essential as it helps the skin maintain natural moisture levels. It is best to apply moisture while the skin is still damp as it traps the moisture.

Exfoliating can be done with facial scrub but it should be done once or twice a week to avoid irritation.

For a facial, Dr. Kotecha recommends a hydrafacial which is available at Avane Cosmetic Clinique & Medispa. Its benefits include a more hydrated, bright, plump and clear complexion. Plus it does slow down signs of aging. This is because the hydra facial removes dead skin cells, extracts impurities while enriching the skin with cleansing, hydrating and moistening serums.

Wearing makeup can block the skin pores and limit the skin contact with oxygen. Ladies should minimize the amount of makeup the wear and remember to properly remove it before they go to sleep.

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