Mega Standard supermarket bakery mixers sealed off by UNBS for poor hygiene and selling uncertified bread

Kampala supermarket-going residents are currently facing a health scare as not even in a space of two weeks, UNBS has sealed off yet another supermarket bakery due to poor hygiene and producing uncertified bread.

Two days ago, Capital Shoppers Supermarket Nakawa branch and Tuskys Nansana branch had their bakery mixers sealed off due to poor hygiene and selling uncertified bread.

Today, UNBS has not backed down on its whip as it has now cracked the whip on Mega standard supermarket’s bakery’s mixers due to poor hygiene as well. It has also sealed off the mixers basing on grounds of the supermarket not producing certified bread.

UNBS has been on a serious crackdown of substandard products that seem to dominate the Kampala market. This could be attributed to most city dweller’s desire to have trendy or socially desirable products at cheaper prices than the actual product is.

This crackdown has encouraged consumers to pay attention to the places food is normally prepared that seem to meet standards after packaging yet the behind the scenes stages are unhygienic.

After UNBS took to its Facebook page about the crackdown of the Mega standard supermarket bakery mixers, the public expressed their sentiments over the issue in the comments section with most of them applauding UNBS for exposing the rot and filth in these entities as well as encouraging the production of standard goods.

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