Matooke Republic sat down with Bashir Kabanda, a fitness trainer at The Gym located at Speke Apartments along Wampewo avenue, in an exclusive interview and took us through his job which he has done for the past six years.
Why did you decide to be a fitness trainer?
It started as a hobby when I was still very young because I always wanted to keep my body in shape. But it now ended up being my work station and I enjoy do it.
What qualifications make you the best person for the job?
Firstly I have the experience since I have professionally done it for the past six years. Another key note is that I have evidence of results from my clients who have managed to attain their ‘idol’ shapes.

What workouts do your clients enjoy most?
Obviously the general body workouts because most people come to the gym mainly to keep in shape.
Is working out only for the rich?
Haha… It’s totally a no. Everyone must work out within his/her means. Many think working out is only done from the gym but that’s not correct. You can work out even in your room by doing push-ups, seat-ups and stretching among others.

How do you develop a relationship with clients?
Key thing is following up on clients, advising them on what to eat and the workouts that suit them.
Tell me about a difficult client you’ve had.
When dealing with human beings such is unavoidable but I professionally somehow manage to sort out such incidences. However, there are some clients that make unrealistic demands like one wanted to drop 10kgs in one week. It can be possible but it needs intense training which he was not willing to undergo and he was still having dreadful eating habits.
How many clients do you work on a day?
When I am at the gym I personally attend to 15 and outdoor I offer personal training sessions to five clients.

Talking of personal training, what are your rates?
My rates are negotiable depending on how long the session takes but for an hour I charge Shs20000 per individual.
What are some of the challenges in this job?
My clients are poor time managers and it messes up the program. Some are also mean when it comes to funds yet they demand for quick results.
This job is said to be a ‘secret spoiler’ of people’s relationships, what’s your comment on that?
Temptations are there but you’ve to be professional when doing tasks. Personally I have never fallen trap.
Any advice for those who feel like working out but are lazy?
All I can tell them is to wake up one day and start working out.