Civil works have already started in earnest at the 100-acre site located Mawoito Parish, Kakira Division, in Jinja District for Uganda’s first car assembly plant courtesy of Kiira Motors Corporation.

In April 2018, Cabinet approved a roadmap for commercialization of the Kiira Electric Vehicle Project and a seed fund of Shs144bn was set up to kickstart operations of the Kiira Vehicle Plant for a four year period; 2018-2022.

The construction of the Kiira Vehicle Plant is scheduled to take thirty months from January 2019 to June 2021 at an estimated cost of Shs63bn.

As opposed to other big construction projects, the new car assembly is being set up by indigenous civil engineering companies. The National Enterprise Corporation NEC, the business arm of the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces is the prime contractor for the main building works supervised by Technology Consults, the consulting offshoot of the Makerere University College of Engineering and Design.

Electrical contractor Kirchof Technicians has already taken a 33Kv powerline and a step-up transformer to the site under the supervision of UMEME while Free Construction is building a 2.4km dual-carriage road to the site and another 380 metres of a high-performance road within the manufacturing complex.

Gets Technical Services has already laid a 5.4-kilometre six-inch water pipeline running from the Municipal water supply at Lwanda to the site under the supervision of National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC)