Matooke Republic is not trying to act referee to Martha Kay’s nudity scandal and we should not be judged. Because celebrities are constantly in the public eye, we always look up to them for their say about the trending news or topics. For this case it’s all about Martha Kay’s leaked nudes and this is what some of them had to say.
“As we’re busy making women projects i.e. women empowerment, Girl child, Get up Speak Up, Let Girls be girls among others, many girls and women are in town celebrating Martha’s pictures. Which kind of females are you?!! And for the males, do you even have mothers and sisters? For my friend Martha just be strong all this will come to an end,” Singer Geo Steady
“Whenever you think about disrespecting a woman, think about how you were born into this world,” TV personality Anita Fabiola
“Kili Kampala, Tweyongere okusaba,” Apass

“It’s a shame!!!…It will pass Martha take heart….the world is full of psychos with all kinds of mental problems….Lord have mercy,” Ykee Benda
“This too will pass…. We gat you Martha Kay,” TV personality MC Kats
“Social media can get really ugly!!! This too shall pass M.K,” Former Miss UgandaDorah Mwima
“Martha Kay wange omu bwati…” Comedian Alex Muhangi
“You’re a Queen Martha whatever has happened doesn’t change the fact that your still a Queen #IstandWithMarthaKay,” singer Bruno K
“Don’t worry Lil Sis. You will come out stronger,” comedian Hannington Bugingo
“But after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who calls you to share his eternal glory in union with Christ, will himself perfect you and give you firmness, strength, and a sure foundation. 1 PET 5:10……NO SITUATION IS PERMANENT!!!,” Desire Luzinda