Minister of State for Ethics & Integrity, Father Simon Lokodo is now the latest to give his take on the ‘Bugingo’ saga. Lokodo says the saga is unacceptable and it is against the scriptures of the bible.

Lokodo says the unpleasant incident has exposed pastor Bugingo as a weak leader to his followers.
“A leader has to act as a good example to his followers. He has to provide guidance to his people. But to hear that he is on the verge of separating with a wife whom he has been with for 29 years, it completely jeopadazes his own ministry,” Bugingo said.
The minister claims that such actions have made him doubt the truthfullness of Bugingo’s ministry. Nevertheless, Lokodo says he has dialogued with a few pastor who have been close to Bugingo like Apostle Joseph Sserwada to see how they can solve the situation.
He also reveals that he is in arrangements of meeting up Bugingo to get his deep insight of the matter.